Thursday, March 5, 2020

9 Signs Your Internship Is Going Well

9 Signs Your Internship Is Going Well If you really arent sure how things are going and you want to improve your performance Request a review If youre not sure how youre doing at your internship, ask to be reviewed! The greatest gift this company can give you is feedback (and future rec letters!?). Dont be afraid to approach your supervisor and ask for tips. Thats what they want you to do. Ask opinions of your coworkers Slide it into a conversation (so, how am I doing?) and give them the opportunity to give you feedback. Even if its other interns, theyll probably have something to say. And you can always return the favor! Offer to help with a project or task People generally like to be offered help. If they dont need it, theyll turn you down. But you asked, and thats what mattered. Youll come off as gracious and willing to work. All in all, an internship is an opportunity for you to learn and a company to get to know you. Sure, all the interns are hoping for job offers after they do their time. But even if you dont get an offer, look at everything youve learned. Its worth it! Youll know if youre absolutely killing it at your internship. And if you dont, or you think you need to get better, the good news is that the door for communication is always  open. And, honestly, if it isnt, you probably dont want to work there in the long run anyway. Take it at face value and move on, mister!

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